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What is peace? What is coexistence? And what are the bases for them? PEACE is a visual-essay-like observational documentary, which contemplates these questions by observing the daily lives of people and cats in Okayama city, Japan, where life and death, acceptance and rejection are intermingled.


Peace is a quiet film with an unusual power to move. By following the ordinary lives of people and cats, the camera leads the audience to discover the concept of peace in its most fundamental sense, not as a state of negotiated, reluctant coexistence, but as an idea that lies at the core of our humanity. The film reveals the sublime through the mundane.

- Hong Kong International Film Festival Jurors


In its depiction of calm cooperation under adverse conditions, "Peace" proves newly relevant in the wake of the Honshu earthquake and subsequent tsunami,suggesting increased arthouse viability....Docu proceeds in a continuous flow that appearseffortless, seguing from person to person and cat to cat with perfect equanimity, Soda handling all aspects of the filming himself.

-  Ronnie Scheib, "Variety"


想田和弘 観察映画番外編『Peace』

Observational Film Extra

2010, 75 minutes, Documentary
Best Documentary, Hong Kong International Film Festival
Audience Award, Tokyo Filmexl
Buyens=Chagoll Prize,Visions du Reel

© 2018 Laboratory X, Inc.

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